personel, everybody, everything
And then relax
Published on August 23, 2006 By estrellaobscura In Life

A few years ago I went twice to a Landmark Forum, first to the normal one and secondly to the advanced forum. I find it rather difficult to explain what it was really for. Maybe self awareness. The thing it really did for me was to make me able to speak to an audience. I could have never done that before.
Where does the 'Peace' come from. As part of the advanced forum one had to choose what one would like to devote one's life to. After a lot of thought I chose Peace. At the time I did not know what I would be letting myself in for. At the time I was working and my time was very limited but the people at the forum dissmissed that and said I should go for what I had decided. Having other responsibilities and also having to earm a living and also at the same time not knowing the first thing about how to go about solving the peace of the world. I had to leave it there.
Now I have the time I still don't know how to go about it. How is one supposed to stop people who won't stop.What does killing innocent people solve. How do we stop the greed which is the mainstay cause of most problems. How do you solve the problems in Palestine when neither side will give an inch. How do you stop terrorist organisations that base their actions on some sort of fundementalism of their religion. Taking a small part of their religion and twisting it out of context and using that as a reason for their atrocities.
You must have met people in your life who will not listen to reason right or wrong. I believe we are up against people like that. If we get lucky and capture them we treat them with kid gloves.(would they give you the kid glove treatment if they had captured you)?? So, if we want peace we will have to be ruthless. We will just have to wipe these people out. But that is not the way to do things, I could not use those kind of tac-tics to solve the problem. Perhaps we could just throw money at it and hope it would go away. But, I don't think that, that would work because the greedy men who, run the countries that we are trying to help, would find a way (by force or otherwise) to channel the money their way, therefore reducing our assistance to nothing. It's happened before, and I have no doubt it will happen again.
After writing all the foregoing I 've come to the conclusion that we had better put our own house in order first. Things Like the charity 'Children in need'. Now I'm not knocking that charity, but as we live in one of the richest countries in western Europe why have we got children in need at all. By the same token, why has the USA, the richest country in the world, 45 million people who cannot afford health insurance. At the same time spending billions of dollars making war over a few barrels of oil. I could go on and on. If the injustice in the civilized western world is poor what then is the third world going to base it's progress on.




on Sep 28, 2006